Caramel Dalgona is a variation of the world-famous Dalgona Coffee. The caramel flavor and the frothy coffee will give you a caramel macchiato effect in the comfort of your home with just regular ingredients.

(scroll down for the full recipe)
Dalgona Coffee has become popular over the past two years. The process behind it is whisking instant coffee with the help of an electric whisk or milk frother. If you do not have an electric appliance, you can use a regular hand whisk, but the task is tedious and takes more time.

Things to note for a perfect Caramel Dalgona Coffee:
Strength of the coffee: The strength of the coffee can be adjusted to your liking. I like my coffee strong and love that bitter kick. If you prefer a lesser strength, reduce the quantity of coffee powder or add more milk.
Caramel sauce: This recipe calls for 2 tbsp. of caramel sauce and gives the coffee a nice hint of caramel. If you prefer the coffee to taste more caramel, add an extra tablespoon of caramel sauce.
Whisk: Please use an electric whisk or milk frother. Trust me, using a hand whisk require more time and effort and will not be a pleasant experience.
Caramel Dalgona Coffee Serves: 1
Instant Coffee Powder - 1 tbsp.
Caramel sauce - 1 + 1 tbsp.
Hot water - 1 tbsp.
Milk (chilled) - 3/4 cup
Ice cubes - 1/2 cup
Take a glass and add instant coffee powder, 1 tbsp. of caramel sauce and hot water. Using an electric whisk or milk frother, whisk the coffee for 2-3 minutes or until the coffee is thick and foamy. The foam must be thick and have a soft peak consistency.
Now take a serving glass and smear the inner sides of the glass with 1 tbsp. of caramel sauce. Add ice cubes and 3/4 cup of chilled milk.
Now gently top the milk with whipped coffee.
Mix well and enjoy.