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Dates Milk Peda

Here we have zero-added sugar milk peda for the diet and weight-conscious folks. This sweet tastes so good and has a fudgy texture like regular milk pedas. The best part is, this peda is sweetened with dates. Try out this healthy sweet this Diwali. I must say that this peda tastes so good that it is not just for weight watchers, everyone can enjoy this delightful sweet.

(scroll down for the full recipe)

Peda is an Indian sweet that is made with milk, sugar, and ghee. This sweet is so popular that it holds a place in every household during festivities and special occasions. Usually, making pedas takes hours. The process consists of slow cooking of the milk where it is boiled and continued to reduce with sugar and ghee to form a solid base. This solid base is then rolled into balls and other shapes while it is warm. There are other easy methods for making delicious pedas at home. One easy way is to use milk, condensed milk, and milk powder. Here, you can definitely skip the step of reducing milk and the pedas are ready in just 30 minutes. But the problem is we are using condensed milk, which adds a lot of sugar.

Dates are a source of natural sugar and are a safe form of sugar compared to refined sugar. They are considered as medium glycemic fruit and will not spike blood sugar. Try this variation of milk peda for a caramel-like, fudgy experience.


Dates Milk Peda Makes 10 nos.


  • Dates(large) - 6 to 7 nos.

  • Milk - 1/2 cup + 1/4 cup

  • Ghee - 2 tbsp + extra for greasing

  • Milk powder - 1 cup

  • Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp.

  • Pistachios - for garnish


  • Add 1/2 cup of boiling milk and pitted dates to a mixing. Cover the mixing bowl with a lid and let the dates soak in hot milk for 1 hour.

  • After 1 hour, transfer the soaked and cooled dates mixture into a blender and blend until smooth.

  • Heat a pan and add 1 tbsp of ghee and 1/4 cup milk. Bring this to a boil and then lower the flame.

  • Now add the blended dates. Continue to cook on medium flame until the mixture thickens. Turn off the heat and stir for 2 minutes to cool down.

  • Add 1 cup of milk powder. Mix well to form a smooth, lump-free paste.

  • Once the mixture is smooth, turn on the heat and let it cook on low flame until the peda mix starts to leave the sides of the pan.

  • Now add 1 tbsp. ghee, mix well, and cook to form a soft dough.

  • Turn off the heat and mix the dough for a few minutes to avoid burning.

  • Add cardamom powder and mix well. Wait for the peda mix to cool down to a manageable heat.

  • Apply a generous amount of ghee on your palm and take a small lime size amount of peda mix. Roll the peda mix in your palm to form a ball shape and gently press it to flatten and shape the pedas.

  • Garnish the peda with pistachio. Repeat the process with the rest of the peda mix.

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